Automated wire harness manufacturing
Simplify supply chainsEliminate 80% of labourImprove qualityIcon dollar signicon supply chain truck with clockicon quality tick
Wiring is still made by hand – and labour is scarce
A tesla assembly lineElectrification to meet net zero carbon means more wiring

A wire harness factory in a box

Preview image of video which shows wires being placed by Q5D's gantry robotAutomated
wire harness manufacturing
Simplify supply chainsEliminate 80% of labourImprove qualityIcon dollar signicon supply chain truck with clockicon quality tick
workers at a formboard in a harness factoryWiring is still made by hand – and labour is scarce
A tesla assembly lineElectrification to meet net zero carbon means more wiring

A wire harness factory in a box

Modern Washing Machine Production Line in Factory

Fully automated loom assembly

Q5D CY1000 machine front right transparent bg

Fully automated loom assembly

Q5D CY1000 machine front right transparent bg

Fully automated loom assembly

Q5D CY1000 machine front right transparent bg

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